I’m an independent writer and teacher. As a writer, I’m investigative theologian, spiritual activist, recovering journalist. As a teacher, I help students, often second-language learners, find their own voices and tell their own stories. They may begin as students in a classroom, but they become participants in a workshop for speaking and writing about things that matter to people who care.




An Earthquake Frees Us from our Worldly Prison

Reading 1: About midnight, while Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God as the prisoners listened, there was suddenly such a severe earthquake that the foundations of the jail shook; all the doors flew open, and the chains of all were pulled loose. (Sixth Tuesday of Easter Season – Acts of the Apostles 16: 25-26)

“We all, at times, suffer from great illusions…”

We all, at times, suffer from great illusions.  We confuse not having peace with not being aware of the peace we possess. 



The Spiritual Crisis of Dictatorship in Honduras

The dictatorship in Honduras used the weapons of fear and repression to suppress the people’s freedom to search for a just solution in faith and hope.  Our inter-faith delegation went to strengthen faith, hope, freedom and peaceful solutions.

Catholic Anti-Semitism and the Holocaust in Poland

The wounds of the Holocaust, particularly in the relations between the Roman Catholic Church and worldwide Jewry, will not be healed until they are healed in Poland.